About me25-year-old student who initially focused on language subjects such as literature and philosophy, now pursuing a degree in Computer Science to develop new skills and essential cognitive tools. I have spent the last few years building up my thought process and exploring the many layers of its structure, potential and purpose. In fact, our brain is like a computer that needs different programs to operate and perform tasks. Therefore, I had to use specific cognitive software to expand my field of action, but also to perfect the use of certain skills and tools. Whether it was philosophy, literature, art or computer science, each of these disciplines were successive steps in a larger process that allowed me to develop a global vision while focusing on the specifics. And like any computing machine, software relies primarily on hardware, just as our bodies are the ultimate hardware, regulating our internal ecosystem and our interactions with the environment. Through my personal experience and my studies, I've dedicated myself to incorporating all these elements into my various practices. Philosophy taught me analysis, method, conceptualisation, innovation and synthesis; fundamental tools for building a sharp mind. Moving to literature opened a new path and made me discover storytelling, creativity, imagination, clarity and the rich value and beauty of writing. Now, I'm studying Computer Science which requires strong problem-solving skills, logic, programme efficiency and working out each step to achieve a goal. All this has given me strong skills in approaching different concepts and challenging situations with a multidimensional mind and innovative vision. These different approaches led me to understand writing, and more specifically the text, as a complete structure that needs logic, method, clarity, but also style, tone, meaning and a strong narrative. Editing isn't just about language, it's also about vision. FARAH LOUIZA |